Allow me to explain. We all want to look good pretty much all of the time. But with a student loan to live off of and no time (desire) to get a job, constantly updating the wardrobe from shops other than Primark is only a distant fantasy. So how am I suggesting that one look consistently stylish and well-put-together without the luxury of never repeating an outfit? Simply keep your make-up fashionable. And that doesn't mean following the latest trend of that lipstick or this eye liner, instead it means the trend that is always in: being beautiful.
I don't mean to sound cheesy/clichéd/patronising here. I am simply pleading with the girls who will happily spend £50 a pop on a high-street item they will end up hating after three wears but won't part with more than a miserly fiver on the cosmetics they will cover their face in every day for several months, believing that clothes are less transient than a flawless face. Girls in question, please rethink! Do you choose your facebook profile picture because your outfit looks best in it, or because your face looks pretty? Obviously the former is a consideration, but I'm not sure you'd select a photo where your new jacket looks glorious but your face looks like a Victor Frankenstein creation.
Good quality make up is a worthy investment. On the whole, buying premium or even high end brands over the cheapest option means that the make up will be more luxurious for your skin, easier to put on and last much longer (which, if I was pushing it, I would say makes it more cost effective). There are always professionals on hand to ensure the right colours for your complexion and the right products for the skin type; a personalised service to help create your very own flawless face.
Whilst the effect of new make up may not be as immediately noticeable as a new outfit, you'll receive almost confused subtle compliments: "you look healthy", "did you do something to your hair?", "did you get a facelift?" etc. And imagine the joy when someone states "I love your new lipstick", and you can reply with a flick of the hair, a cheeky grin and a simple "Thanks Darling, it's Chanel".
Yes, not only is designer make up a good quality investment for your face, but it's also a great way to release some of the tense desires for more expensive high end items. So I'll probably never have a 2.55, but my entire make up bag is filled with Chanel. Coco practically designed my face.
Don't forget that clothing trends aren't the only ones in the designer world that we long for. Remember Chanel's Jade nail polish that sent the world on a wild beauty chase? And then next season it was their Particulaire shade? If we'd only known how 'in' they'd be, those designer trends could have been on our fingers at the same time as our icons for a fraction of the price of the new must-have bag. If you want to get ahead, Chanel's most recent shows used the pastel pink limited edition sister shade of last year's Jade, called Jade Rose. Get polishing.
When the next installment of the loan comes through, rather than rush straight to Topshop, why not hop on a bus to Oxford Street and wander into any department store that takes your fancy. On the ground floor you will be greeted by lavish scent of beauty and plenty of trained lovelies to help you find the look that suits you. So your outfit might only have cost £20 from a tiny little charity shop, but luckily your face is worth millions.
Jessica Wilde ~ @littlemisswilde
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